




Icons and indexes are important because they are what gives the media text a meaning without symbols. They make the media text easier to understand.
Global brands will try to avoid symbols because different countries have different languages so the audience may not understand what is being advertised to them because of the language barrier. So to avoid this global brands do not include symbols.

This media text was a failure because this advertisement was after the 9/11. Everything in the image connotes the idea of 9/11. Which was taken very offensively by most people. This is because maybe they had family members in the 9/11 accident and Starbucks putting this advert up made the situation even worse. The symbol "collapse into cool" connotes the 9/11 building. The grass connotes the buildings that were around the 9/11 building. The dragon fly connoting the plane that was there that attacked the 9/11 building. Overall, this advertisements index, icon and symbol was not the best after what happened in the 9/11.

This media text has used icon, index and symbol very successfully. The index is the tick of the brand nike this brand is very well known so it will be known by many people when they see this advert. The icon is the women herself. What this advert does is when they put a women in the advert with gloves on connotes the power of women have and how strong they are, going against the stereotypical idea of how most adverts present women as naive and weak. This advert empowers women as to who they are. The symbol 'make yourself proud' is very powerful and once again goes back to the idea of how strong women are.